Thursday, July 5, 2007

Who wants to Pownce?

I recently signed up for Pownce, a new service thats a spin off of the Digg team, and has what seems to be a very slick AIR desktop client.

Normally when I sign up for these things I seem to have to wait a very long time to get in, and by then I've lost interest. But this morning I logged into my email to be surprised by an invitation to check out Pownce. Now all I need are some people to test it out with. So I have 6 invitations to Pownce. First to pounce on it, first served. (I know that was terrible, but I just couldn't resist.) Just comment on my blog, and leave me an email address in the comment.

Sorry, I just gave away my last invite. If I get more, I'll try to share them here


jsjohnst said...

I'll take one.




(common TLD which starts with a c and ends with an m)

Unknown said...

I'll take one too

ndcollins ( at ) yahoo dot com

joshspoon said...

me two and three joshspoon (AT)

Anonymous said...

I would love one please.

Kevin (dot) Suttle (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Thanks a ton Jonathan! If I get any cool invites for stuff, you're on my list!

Anonymous said...

g (at)
would love a pounce invite.

jgervin said...

One to late I guess.

Jonathan Wall said...

@jgervin. if you still want one, I have one left

sinatosk said...

I would like one please

sinatosk [at] gmail [dot] com


sinatosk said...

that was quick :o

thanks alot :)

jgervin said...

jgervin (at) g ma il If you still have it.

Thanks, J

meckimac said...

if you have an invite left, I would appreciate it. meckimac (at) gmail.

If you need a Joost invitation let me know..

Jonathan Wall said...

@meckimac - sorry, I'm out for now. search through as there are a bunch of folks offering them up there though. I appreciate the Joost invite though, but not sure I need it just yet...

Drew Martell said...

If you could send one to, that would be great.