Thursday, July 5, 2007

Startups at MAX - Great place to show RIA innovation

There has been a sudden wave of info about MAX, and I know a lot of people are already signed up.

One of the things I was helping out with over the past months was putting together a chance for smaller companies to showcase their efforts via a sponsorship that fit their budgets and resources. Being at MAX can help a startup build buzz, user community, as well as find qualified employees. So we're thinking this may be a good fit for companies like eyejot, scrapblog, picnik, viddler and many others. This year, I think the "Start up City" at MAX is going to be one of the coolest places to see some of the innovative work in the community.

Here's the criteria. Your company cannot be publicly traded, cannot have more than 150 employees, and you can only sponsor at this level once. (You won't be able to do this next year.)
There is some additional information on the MAX website at

But if you want more info the best thing to do is to contact Salim Shaikh at 650 226 0713 (Direct), 415 810 3096 (Mobile) or

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