Friday, April 27, 2007

Developer Social Networks

So I know I'm new to the blogosphere and given that, I've been thrilled and surprised by how many people read and commented on my first few posts. But then the well dried up.

My last post was read by bunch of people, but I didn't get any comments. Maybe the post just didn't connect with readers. Or maybe no one really cares. But I have to believe that people must have some opinions about this and want to share them under them premise that this info could help Adobe deliver better resources for developers.

So I'll ask my questions again, and if you have an some thoughts please share them. If not, I promise I won't beg for feedback on this stuff again. Ok, at least for a little while. But I'll definitely be asking for opinions on other stuff very soon.

Here are my questions about developers and social networking:

  • Are you a fan of social networking? Why or Why not?
  • What social networking sites do you use? Why?
  • Do developers need better social networking capabilities? What do you want to see?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tweet, space, or link?

Are you a member of a social network? Do you use Twitter, My Space, or LinkedIn? (Ok, I'm not an expert here, but I'm not sure if everyone even agrees that Twitter really is a social network. But I think it is)

Anyway, there are social networks cropping up all the time it seems, especially with the Web 2.0 Expo this week. I was excited about Visible Path after they were TechCrunched. But after a quick exploration of it yesterday, I'm less excited. Time will tell though... And one of the more interesting developments I've noticed is the Expo Cal/iCalico app being used for the Web 2.0 Expo. Now I'm not actually using it because I'm not at Web 2.0, but it still seems interesting.

And of course, everyone is Twittering. Well, not everyone. I'm not. I do have a Twitter account and a few friends on Twitter, but have never actually posted anything. I just can't seem with to come up with a compelling reason to tweet. I don't think anyone I know really cares about the specific details of what I'm up to, or what I'm thinking at an exact moment in time. But then again, I'm slow to adopt this stuff. Plus most of the people I know aren't on Twitter - yet. By the way, there are number of slick Twitter applications out there using Apollo. I personally like this one, and if I was actively using Twitter, I'd use this app.

There also have been a wide range of posts I've seen about LinkedIn recently. For example, this one. Now I actually find LinkedIn useful for tracking people I know, and most of the people I know are on LinkedIn. Just this morning I got a connection from a longtime colleague to connect with someone in my network. Not only do I hope that turns into a fruitful conversation, but it also led me to reconnect with him. And I'm using LinkedIn right now to try to connect with folks that have worked on similar projects to what I'm working on in the past.

So that leads to my questions associated with this post. Feel free to answer any or all of them, or just provide your comments.

  • Are you a fan of social networking? Why?
  • What social networking sites do you use?
  • Why should I Twitter?
  • And here's the biggie that I really hope a few folks will shed some light on. Do developers need better social networking capabilities?
Oh yeah, if you are curious, you can find me on LinkedIn here. And if I ever start using Twitter, you can find me here.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Do you participate?

Before I started my blog, I asked some folks for advice on what makes a good blog. Mike Potter told me that he recommended having catchy post titles. And clearly, John Nack, Photoshop product manager, and if you ask me, blogger extraordinaire, has mastered this art. So I was going to call this post "Why even bother?" but figured that might just come off as a bit negative.

Anyway, today's question is this -- do you participate in online activity, or just consume information? If you post comments, rate content, tag items, provide feedback, answer questions on lists and forums, why do you do it? Now I also realize that the consumers of info, those who don't immediately participate, may not be immediately inclined to provide feedback, so I'm anticipating that my comments will include lots of participants, but not a lot of folks that prefer to only consume info.

So if you don't normally participate in the conversation, well here's your chance to break out -- why don't you more actively participate in shaping great content, helping other developers, etc? What would it take you stop doing what you are doing, and jot off a quick note, suggestion, some feedback, or even click on some stars to rate content?

And since we're at it, is this whole community participation thing just a passing fad, or is it here to stay? I'd argue that forums and mail lists have been around for years, and we're just experiencing a natural evolution...But like my first post a few days back, this isn't really about what I think, its what you think. So please, comment away....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Am I too late to get feedback?

So I'm late to the game. Its taken me a long time to spin up my blog, but with a bit of a new focus in my job, I realized its time. So here it entry into the blogosphere.

But if you have found your way here and don't already know me, then you are probably asking yourself, in the immortal words of Admiral James Stockdale, who am I and why am I here? So I'll explain that, and I'm definitely hoping for better results than the Admiral's.

I've been working at iterations of Adobe since early 2000, starting with Allaire, then on to Macromedia, and since December of 2005, at Adobe. Before that I spent time at Powersoft, Sybase, Silverstream and IBM. So I've been thinking about and working with developers a lot over the past 15 years, and specifically working on developer relations over the past 15 months or so.

And in the last month or so, I've started to focus even more deeply on developers, specifically around the area of developer programs. So it clearly became time to blog, not only to share some insight into things we are thinking about, things we are working to better support developers, but to use this blog as a way to get your opinions, feedback and ideas.

So with that, yes I'm late to the game, but I'm here. And while I'm thrilled to have comments welcoming me to the blogosphere if anyone wants to do that, more than anything I want to kick this off by getting input from people that develop applications with Adobe technology. What do you think --what does Adobe need to do to provide better support for developers? Is it better content, more community connections, easier ability to find code, etc? All ideas and suggestions are welcome.